First Time! What to expect? Chicago

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City: Chicago
State: Illinois
Gender: Female
Glory Hole: I am looking for a Glory Hole
Posts: 3
Joined: 06/24/24

First Time! What to expect? Chicago

Post by Jess03196 »

Hi it’s going to be my first time at a gh and I’m excited! I’m just nervous going in! Everyone is starting as you walk in. I want the experience because I enjoy cock. Can someone walk em through the steps so I can feel confident. Do I provide my own condoms or how do I tell them to wear one for penetration? Just need guidance! 
Into: Looking to get a bj I’m in lakeke geneva
City: Round lake
State: Illinois
Gender: Male
Glory Hole: I am looking for a Glory Hole
Posts: 4
Joined: 06/25/24

Re: First Time! What to expect? Chicago

Post by Chevys10 »

Hey what area of Chicago u at
im in the northern suburbs 
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