I had moved in with a gay roommate he was cool and after awhile I noticed he had a womans ass I came into shower he was bending down to grab his towel that he dropped I saw his ass but I ignored it and went to shower and later on he caught me jerking off in my room when he walked in on me he said if I need to unload he'll unload me to.try him.once I was horny plus he ass turned me.on so i said yes he came into my room in the dark with the TV on I was watching TV he went under .my blanket and started sucking & jerking my cock off so.good I came in his mouth quick we watch tv he was naked from the waist down he turned and pressed his ass right on my cock I got hard he grabbed it and put it in his tight ass he was pushing back against my cock my big cock went all the way in he was moaning till I came and I shot a big load in his tight ass he said anytime I want his ass or. his mouth to.come to his room he will always take care of me I fucked him 3. nights in a row his gay lover was there one night and he was covered except for his ass I thought it was my roommate I came.in climb on top and.put.my cock in his ass and started fucking him when.i came I realized it wasn't him he said he won't say anything as long as he takes care of me in secret but I told him im already messing with my.roommate he said what he dont know won't hurt now
his lover liked my cock too my roomate stepped out for awhile so he never knew I fucked his.lover by accident I stopped fucking for awhile till 1 night both came into my room and said they wanted to.take.turns sucking me off and giving me booty I fucked both and gave them.both a huge load in theyre sexy bootys he still never found out that I fucked his lover before but now it was ok to fuck both of them that lasted for 2 years till I moved away to Philly with my older brother
I fucked my roommates lover
I fucked my roommates lover
Damn that was hot are you still in contact with your ex roommate
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