Private Glory Hole in Tustin Ca

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Joined: 11/10/21

Private Glory Hole in Tustin Ca

Post by sirfirblu »

This will be a glory hole situation this coming week with your choice of sitting or standing. There will be porn of your choice available. This is in a very nice upscale part of Orange County. The house is beautiful and clean. You will be comfortable and taken care of in every way. I am trying to decide which day is best to host this, so please get back to me with days and times that you are available. Include a way to contact you so that I can let you know when the glory hole will be open. Age,weight, dick size,race is not important. What is important is cleanliness and a desire to shoot a hot load into a willing, talented mouth. Reply back with any and all dates and times you can make it and check back here to see the date(s) I pick Please include an email address or text address that I can respond to . If you can't make on the day(s) chosen, then I may do it again. This is for this coming week only 11-13 thru 11/21
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